Danzig - Eine historische Schönheit - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Danzig - Eine historische Schönheit" von Paul Michalzik: Ein fotografischer Rundgang durch das historische Danzig beg...
View full detailsNottuln - Schlossbrücke - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Stadt Land Fluß Kreis Coesfeld im Münsterland " von Paul Michalzik: Naturliebhaber, aber auch Kulturinteressierte, we...
View full detailsMalcesine Old Town - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "Northern Lake Garda - The regions around Limone and Malcesine" by Rabea Albilt: Lovely landscapes, idyllic towns and...
View full detailsTwin mills in front of Greetsiel - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "East Frisia on the North Sea Coast" by Lothar Reupert: East Frisia in Lower Saxony is in the far north of Germany. T...
View full detailsHansestadt Stade - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Wunderschönes "Altes Land"" von Lothar Reupert: Das "Alte Land" erstreckt sich am Elbufer von Stade bis zu den Toren ...
View full detailsFischerhafen Greetsiel, Ostfriesland - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Malerische Fischerhäfen in Norddeutschland" von Lothar Reupert: Nicht nur für Maler und Fotografen sind die farbenfro...
View full detailsSchloss Bergedorf im Hamburger Stadtgebiet - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Deutschlands Burgen und Schlösser" von Lothar Reupert: Burgen und Schlösser sind Zeugen einer längst vergangenen Zeit...
View full detailsBerg Oybin mit Klosterruine - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Oybin / Sachsen Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Traumziele in Sachsen" von Birgit Seifert: Die Fotografin Birgit Seifert lädt Sie zu 12 Ausflügen nach...
View full detailsTram - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "Vienna - Austria's charming capital" by Thomas Bartruff: Vienna is without a doubt one of the most beautiful capital...
View full detailsT3 - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "VW Bulli - the legend lives" by Thomas Bartruff: Everyone knows it, everyone loves it, the VW Bulli. The ancestor of...
View full detailsSligachan - Isle of Skye - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Scotland's most beautiful island The Isle of Skye is Scotland's most popular island on the west coast and is part of the Hebrides. The island e...
View full detailsWaiblingen im Remstal - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Beinsteiner goal A motif from the calendar "Waiblingen - Walk through the Old Town" by Horst Eisele: In Waiblingen's city center lies the histo...
View full detailsWasserturm in Halle / Saale - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Zeitzeugen der Geschichte Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Geburtstagskalender Wassertürme" von Birgit Seifert: Sie sind groß, riesig oder auch klein. ...
View full detailsKhazne al-Firaun, the "Treasure House" - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "Jordan - Rock City of Petra" by Olaf Bruhn: The legendary Petra - the city in Jordan carved out of the red rock - is...
View full detailsIllimani massif with Pico Sur, 6,462 m above sea level. M., Bolivia - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "Peru & Bolivia - The Landscape" by Olaf Bruhn: Beautiful landscape photos by the Schöneicher photographer and gr...
View full detailsLjubljana - Slovenia - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "European Cities" by TJPhotography (Thorsten Jung): Go on a journey through Europe's cities and experience great moti...
View full detailsKoblenz - CALVENDO photo puzzle
The fountain on Görresplatz tells the city's history. A motif from the calendar "Koblenz - The City at the German Corner" by Jutta Heußlein: Th...
View full detailsBasar in Bischkek, Kirgistan - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Eine Reise durch Kirgistan " von Sebastian Heinrich: Dieser Kalender zeigt Reisefotografien aus dem unwegsamen aber h...
View full detailsCollioure - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "Collioure - Pearl of the Cote Vermeille" by LianeM: Collioure is undoubtedly the most beautiful place on the Côte Ve...
View full detailsA real Highlander - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "Scotland - The beautiful north of Great Britain" There is hardly a country that impresses with such great landscape ...
View full detailsTrieste, view over the city to the harbor - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Italy A motif from the calendar "Italy" by Gunter Kirsch: Italy, the country on the Mediterranean, is always worth a trip. This was already kno...
View full detailsFreyburg, Neuchâtel - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "FREYBURG - Romantic Wine Town" by U boeTtchEr: The city center, still surrounded in many places by a fortified city ...
View full detailsWhite Sands National Monument, New Mexico - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "Landschafts Juwelen" by Patrick Leitz: The CALVENDO editions are a strictly limited number of hand-picked ones Cale...
View full detailsVillage in Provence - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Cucuron on the southern edge of the Luberon A motif from the calendar "Luberon. In the heart of Provence" by Reinhard Werner: dreamy villages, ...
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