A motif from the calendar "CHRIST SAVIOR CATHEDRAL MOSCOW" by Henning von Löwis of Menar: The miracle of Moscow happened on December 31, 1999 o...
View full details1.-2. 12. - Engel über Bauernhof - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Adventzauber - Schönste Zeit des Jahres Adventkalender" von Bilder: Layout: Babette Reek: Alle Ja...
View full details5.-6. 12. - Nikolaus auf dem Pferd - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Adventzauber - Schönste Zeit des Jahres Adventkalender" von Bilder: Layout: Babette Reek: Alle Ja...
View full detailsAdventzauber - Schönste Zeit des Jahres Adventkalender - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Ein Motiv aus dem Kalender "Adventzauber - Schönste Zeit des Jahres Adventkalender" von Bilder: Layout: Babette Reek: Alle Ja...
View full detailsOld City of Jerusalem with Wailing Wall and Dome of the Rock - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Streams of Jews but especially visitors from all over the world are everyday life at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. A motif from the calendar T...
View full detailsJerusalem Old City Wall - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A city like a fortress - Jerusalem A motif from the calendar "With the Bible in hand through the Holy Land / Jerusalem" by GT Color: A city fil...
View full detailsRich and poor - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Quotes and wisdom Wisdom presented attractively PREMIUM - QUALITY - high-quality fit thanks to precise punching and excellent Print qual...
View full detailsOn the pilgrimage route - offer to rest - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "Pilgrims in the Waldecker Upland" by Karl-Günter Balzer: In the Waldecker Upland in northern Hesse, a pilgrimage rou...
View full detailsLooking for angels - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Christmas baking with little angels A Christmas angel motif from the calendar "Inspired" by Alexandra Loos. PREMIUM - QUALITY - high-qual...
View full detailsMountain meditation - CALVENDO photo puzzle
In the silence The view, the peace and quiet in secluded mountain places is a good start to meditation. This picture with its meditating man is...
View full detailsPraying Buddha - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar Buddhism / Claudia Burlager: Buddha a symbol of wellness, spa and relaxation. Bring the moment of peace to your walls...
View full detailsPraying Buddha 3 - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar Buddha / Planer / Claudia Burlager: Everyone wants a moment of peace. Immerse yourself in the world of Budda with thi...
View full detailsEnchanting angel of peace - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Representative hand-drawn angel image “World peace can be achieved when the power of love replaces the love of power.” A motif from the calenda...
View full detailsView of the garden - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Watering can and flowers on the garden fence A garden motif from the calendar "Inspired" by Alexandra Loos. PREMIUM - QUALITY - high-quali...
View full detailsBlooming Ocean - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Light energy of the heart A motif from the calendar "MANDALAS of nature" by ALAYA GADEH: Inspired by flowers, the artist Alaya Gadeh created co...
View full detailsBlumen Mandala - Kaleidoskop - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Blumen Mandala - Kaleidoskop Jede Blume ist einzigartig und so ist jedes Mandala von der Fotokünstlerin Martina Cross. PREMIUM – QUA...
View full detailsBlumen Mandala - Kaleidoskop - CALVENDO Foto-Puzzle
Blumen Mandala - Kaleidoskop Jede Blume ist einzigartig und so ist jedes Mandala von der Fotokünstlerin Martina Cross erstellt. PREM...
View full detailsFlower mandala of light - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Energy of colors in light A motif from the calendar "MANDALAS of nature" by ALAYA GADEH: Inspired by flowers, the artist Alaya Gadeh created co...
View full detailsBUDDHA - Calm - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar "Buddha Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" by Verena Bichmann: Immerse yourself with your eyes in the beauty of th...
View full detailsBuddha in prayer - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar Buddha / Planer / Claudia Burlager: Everyone wants a moment of peace. Immerse yourself in the world of Budda with thi...
View full detailsBuddha in silence - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar Buddhism / Claudia Burlager: Buddha a symbol of wellness, spa and relaxation. Bring the moment of peace to your walls...
View full detailsBuddha and faith - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar Buddha / Planer / Claudia Burlager: Everyone wants a moment of peace. Immerse yourself in the world of Budda with thi...
View full detailsBuddha and the reflection - CALVENDO photo puzzle
A motif from the calendar Buddha / Planer / Claudia Burlager: Everyone wants a moment of peace. Immerse yourself in the world of Budda with thi...
View full detailsBuddha and Yin Yang - CALVENDO photo puzzle
Buddha and the snail shell A motif from the calendar Buddha and Yin Yang / Claudia Burlager: Everyone is looking for the moment to draw strengt...
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